Divorce Rings: Customized Independence

Divorce Rings: Customized Independence

By: Deutsch Fine Jewelry

Untying the knot? We’ve got just the thing. Divorce rings have been a wave sweeping the luxury jewelry world for years, and it is the perfect reason to commission a one-of-a-kind homage to independence.

While divorce can be emotional and messy, some modern women have found peace and freedom after filing for their divorce. The surge of “divorce parties'' and “divorce receptions” started to become popular as the dissolution of marriage started to lose its taboo. Many divorce ceremonies involve both sides of the couple toasting to their past shared life and their new beginnings as single people. Both the Unitarian Universalism church and United Methodist church hold divorce ceremonies for their practitioners in an attempt to take an emotional time and turn it into a hopeful one. 
A picture of a keyed padlock that's been attached to a fence, similar to padlocks that couples attach to bridges and fences to symbolize their love and commitment. However, this lock reads "Didn't work out"."

What is a Divorce Ring?

A divorce ring or divorce jewelry is a custom piece of luxury jewelry that consists of or includes metal or gemstones from an engagement ring or wedding band. Once the marriage is dissolved, the divorcee can take her engagement ring and wedding band to be disassembled and melted down in order to create a brand new piece of jewelry. The custom piece could be crafted into another ring or into a completely different accessory. The term “divorce ring” could refer to a necklace, earrings, bracelet, or ring that has been made from a wedding band or an engagement ring.

A close-up picture of a hand on a rail, playing idly with a wedding band.

The Art of Divorce
One of the most fulfilling elements of a custom divorce ring is the full artistic license the divorcee gets to have. There are two big reasons for this: the first is that engagement rings typically picked out by the groom (even though we love to leave a magazine or webpage open to leave him hints), and sometimes groom's still make the wrong jewelry choices, so a divorce ring is an excellent opportunity for the divorcee to get the ring she always wanted. The second major reason is that many brides are young and bright-eyed when they first become engaged and married. A barely-22-year-old bride is going to have different tastes than a 30-something who has developed a cohesive, personal style. With a custom divorce ring, our stylish little divorcee gets to have her wedding cake and eat it, too.
A woman from the neck down, showing off a big pendant necklace and an ornate aquamarine ring on the ring finger of her right hand.

Styling Divorce Rings

Where to wear it? If the wedding band and engagement ring are turning into a new-and-improved ring, divorcees can pick their favorite finger for it to be sized. Typically we recommend shying away from the ring finger of the left hand unless the divorcee isn’t interested in a husband number two – regardless of marital status, the left hand ring finger will always be seen as a symbol for betrothal. Instead, many women choose to switch the ring to the right hand ring finger, which has become a symbol of self-sufficiency, independence, and self-love. If the divorcee is over wearing rings for a while, the engagement ring and wedding band can be crafted into a beautiful pendant or pair of earrings – if she’s feeling particularly spicy about her ended relationship, she might opt for something edgier like a facial piercing or a toe ring. There are no rules when it comes to a girl and her divorce ring.
A close-up picture of a jeweler's hands has he shapes and polishes a new jewelry piece in his workshop.

Customized and Personalized

How do divorcees go about obtaining their very own divorce ring? At Deutsch, our clients come to us for any custom jewelry requests they or their loved ones might have. Our expert team is enthusiastic for all of our custom requests – whether we’re creating something from scratch or repurposing a piece with sentimental value attached. First, one of our highly qualified client specialists will sit down with our divorcee for a consultation. We’ll see what gemstones and metal we have to work with and get a good representation of the vision of the custom piece. Next, our specialist will put together a brand-new design with the materials gleaned from the original wedding rings. After the design is approved and finalized, we’ll get to work on a hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind custom divorce ring that will reshape the jewelry piece and the memory forever. Make an appointment with one of our highly qualified team members today.

Photo by Olga via pexels